BERC was one of the highlights of my time at UC Berkeley. I started by attending their events and eventually became the Vice-President for Marketing and Analytics. I credit BERC for the volunteering experience that enabled me to fund Lam Employee Sustainability Community.
Most impactful class I took at HAAS, Berkeley business school. For a semester, we worked as a group of PhD and MBA students with a cleantech start-up on microbial fuel cells. Our final public presentation and market report were awarded two out of three symposium awards.
I coordinated the organization of the Pan-American 2017 Semifinal of Smogathon (air quality pitch competition) in collaboration with BERC and CITRIS. Participated in the Smogathon final at the Global Clean Air Summit in Krakow, Poland.
Together with Adam Golinski, I co-founded the Polish Club of Berkeley, a student organization for Poles and people with Polish heritage. Among received guests, we hosted Agnieszka Holland, Leszek Balcerowicz and Bronislaw Komorowski, former president of Poland.
Hosted a series of workshops on green chemistry investment space organized by Impact.Tech and Fifty Years. Slides are available online.
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All content on this website exclusively represents my personal opinions and consists of publicly available information only.